Christ-Follower - A Call to be Different
The idea of living with distinction has captured the imagination of our culture. A personal computer company challenges us to “Think Different.” A maker of pickup trucks tells us that their product is superior because it is “different.” A restaurant chain urges us to “experience the difference.” A construction firm says they are ahead of the pack because they use “a different perspective.” In fact, there is an entire volume on the Internet called “The Difference Dictionary” that extols the value of all things different. Different—it is a word with enormous implications.
A Challenge To Be Different. The importance of being recognizably different also has a history in the Bible. When I was a young church attender, I remember being confronted with the New Testament words of Peter that we are to be “a peculiar people” (1 Pet. 2:9 KJV). I was relieved to learn that the word peculiar in the King James Bible did not mean “strange” but rather to have the qualities that would mark us as God’s own special people.
God has chosen you to be a people for himself, a special treasure. Read the rest of "A life of Distinction" here.
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