Who is God to you?
31% believe in an "Authoritarian God" who is angry at humanity's sins and engaged in every creature's life and world affairs.
23% believe in a "Benevolent God" who is forgiving and accepting of anyone who repents.
16% believe in a "Critical God" who has his judgmental eye on the world, but he's not going to intervene, either to punish or comfort.
24% believe in a "Distant God" who is more of a cosmic force that launched the world, then left it spinning on its own.
Source: Cathy Lynn Grossman, "America's Image of God Varies," USAToday.com (9/11/06)
We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16
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