Spiritual Leadership #4 - Natural vs. Spiritual - Sanders
In ch. 4 Sanders writes that there is a definite difference in natural and spiritual leadership. He quotes from A. W. Tozer; "A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead, but is forced into a position by the inward pressure of the Holy Spirit and the press of circumstances..."
Contrast of Natural and spiritual leadership:
Natural vs. Spiritual
- Self-confident vs. Confident in God
- Knows men vs. Also knows God
- Makes own decisions vs. Seeks God's will
- Ambitious vs. Humble
- Creates methods vs. Follows God's example
- Enjoys command vs. Delights in obedience to God
- Seeks personal reward vs. Loves God and others
- Independent vs. Depends on God
Why is it so easy to slip into leading without the spirit? We are naturally naturals...
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